Group - Boarding - Expert One-on-One
A trainer teaches anywhere from a few to dozens of beginners. These are people that more than likely have never handled or trained a dog.
They're instructed on how and when to choke, spike or shock their dog or teach them with treats.
Owners and dogs endure several weeks or months of chaotic group style classes. The trainer is trying to explain to everyone simultaneously, which causes dog owners and dogs to become confused and bewildered. Picture each lesson: a room full of dogs barking or growling at each other or at people. You hear frustrated owners trying to yell over the noise to give commands to their dog, which the dog doesn't know in the first place! While all this is happening, the trainer will be trying to teach everyone how to correct their dog by choking, spiking or shocking. The treat method is not painful like the other methods, but the results will be more damaging than all three pain methods combined.
Understand that dogs learn by conditioned association or repetition. Owners repeatedly choke, spike, shock or use treats to train their dog. With enough repetition the dogs will learn to associate the leash or collars to commands, and will disobey when they're off.
Obviously the group style is the worst quality training. How could anything positive be accomplished in this environment?
From the beginning to the end of each group lesson, mass confusion occurs, unlike the expert one-on-one style.
Combining a group of inexperienced dog owner's and untrained dogs (the conditions) equals complete pandemonium, which can cause the owner to ruin their dog forever! Anyone who chooses the group style couldn't possibly understand the quality differences between the 3 styles before paying!
Dogs are left with complete strangers in a totally unfamiliar place.
They soon become afraid. They miss their owner and home, which they have come to trust. While the owners are away, the trainers will choke, spike or shock them. The dogs won't understand why these people are causing them pain. The treat method is not painful like the other methods, but the results will be more damaging than all three pain methods combined.
First, we need to understand the methods and style a boarding school uses to know why they don't want the dog owner there while they are training their dog. They realize that most owners wouldn't leave their dog if they knew how they were going to be treated!
Second, we all know that we want our dog to obey us and not a stranger. We teach our children not to obey or talk to strangers. Like our children, if our dogs obey just anyone, they also could be easily stolen or killed.
At best, these trainers are only doing half the work. The owners are not being taught the proper method for handling since they're not there.
Another aspect is the experience of the trainers. Any good business person knows that to make money you have to keep costs down and one of the highest costs in any industry is staff. The boarding schools keep costs down by hiring the cheapest staff. Obviously the person with no experience is the cheaper employee! The problem is that customers want to hear the lowest price, and in order for these schools to be able to give the best price, they have to maintain cheap staffing.
Most boarding schools get paid two ways. The first way is by interns paying them thousands of dollars to get their experience by apprenticing; they experiment on the unaware dog owners' dog. The second way is when the unaware dog owners pay to leave their dogs for what they think will be an expert's training.
At first, the boarding style sounds cheaper than the expert style. However they are only teaching the dog and not teaching the owner how to handle the dog. An expert will have to invest a lot more time and effort. For him to do what's right, the expert has to do 4 times the work! He has to use 1) the correct method 2) the best style 3) the most experienced trainer in this state, and 4) teach both the owner and dog!
My parents used to say, "If it sounds cheap, it probably is."
The quality you will end up with by using the boarding style: a dog you don't know how to handle, who has been emotionally traumatized by inexperienced people using the worst methods and styles on your dog... people who are literally practicing on your dog.
The boarding style doesn't even equal one-fourth the quality and time of the proper training done by an expert trainer.
Like the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for."
Are you so angry or frustrated with your dog that you would pay strangers at a boarding school to do this to your dog? Or like most people, are you just unaware of the quality of training you will get from the methods and styles they use?
Due to the nature of it's highly individualized and customized training, expert one-on-one style achieves the best quality training with every lesson. Therefore, the dog and owner achieve the finest end results possible.
Unlike the group style, the expert style allows the trainer to focus on one dog and one person at a time!
Unlike the boarding style, the expert style teaches the dog to obey you, the owner, not the person who boarded the dog. The expert style teaches the dog and owner to work together. You give the commands and the dog learns to obey you, gaining respect for you from your dog.
Therefore, the expert style one-on-one is obviously the best style of all three.
None of the other schools have a complete system! Instead of answering your questions about their system, they talk about other things that sound important just to confuse you. Be careful; they are good at saying things, so as to make themselves sound like the best school! Remember these tricks are used in EVERY profession!
Most other schools even try to substitute the Ohio State K-9 College system; however, they only use one part of its (three) components: the expert style, one-on-one. To hide the fact that they are copying our expert style, they instead call it "private lessons," which sounds awesome to a consumer who doesn't know about the (three) components in our state of the art system.
The best companies are always copied but never duplicated by sheer amateurs!
Now that you've had the proof of the best method and style, you need to learn about the differences in experience between a dog trainer and a Master Trainer.