Range of Personalities
This is a soft dog with a very mild personality that frightens easily.
After being trained in a boarding or group class style by someone hurting them with any of the three collars, the dog will be terrified of any interaction! Their ability to adjust to new situations and new people will be diminished forever because they are petrified. When the owner reaches out with the collar or leash, the dog will associate the collar and leash with the pain that comes from them, and given the chance, they're going to try to run. Experts call this avoidance learning. This is how a passive dog, when scared, learns to use their FLIGHT instinct to escape and avoid any corrections from happening.
The end results: the dog will run away anytime they see a chance to escape, or may bite out of fear when they cannot escape from what scares them...not because they are aggressive, but because they are scared.
This is a hard dog with a very strong personality that doesn't frighten easily.
After being trained in a boarding or group class style by someone hurting them with any of the three collars, they will become unpredictable of any interaction. When the dog sees someone reaching out with the collar or leash to put them on, they will remember the pain that comes from them, and often they will run to avoid any correction (especially a young pup). However, a dominant dog uses its FIGHT instinct to protect itself. As they mature, they will regain their confidence and become even more fierce. Understand that this type of dog isn't reacting out of fear like the passive dog; eventually they'll make you draw back, thus avoiding any pain from happening to themselves.
The end results: the dog will become distrustful when unsure of ones' intentions and viciously turn on a friend, neighbor or a neighbor's child. The dog owner and their family will be at risk when trying to correct them, especially when the dog is cornered with no chance to run or escape.
The goal of a Master Trainer is more than just teaching the dog obedience (basic/intermediate/advanced), behavior and housebreaking. More importantly, it is to completely stabilize the dog's personality, which requires socialization training as well. A combination of the six (6) courses is crucial to the development of a stable house pet.
The amount of socialization a dog receives totally affects the outcome of any training course! For example, with a therapy dog's training course, the dog is overly socialized so that they are friendly, likes everyone, and will never bite. On the opposite end of the spectrum: with a police attack dog’s training course, the dog is intentionally never socialized so that they will be suspicious of everyone and will bite anyone when commanded to by their handler. Now, with a personal protection dog training course, the dog must have a balance of socialization and suspicion training, unlike the extremes of the therapy or attack dog's training courses.
The Master Trainer must know the type of training course(s) that the dog owner desires before he can begin training or evaluating their dog. If the correct amount of socialization is not applied on these courses, the dog owner could eventually be involved in a lawsuit. Therefore, it is obviously of the utmost importance to have a dog properly trained and evaluated by a Master Trainer, especially when the protection training courses are desired.
Each dog in a litter has a different personality based on the pecking order (rank) they established in their litter by play fighting daily. The most dominant dog in the litter is the alpha; the most passive dog is the omega. The personality of each dog is formed by the level of dominance they establish in their litter.
No matter which rank the dog held in the litter, the Master Trainer's job is to mold the dog into a mature stable adult. This is only possible if he can work with the dog's owner until they fully understand everything they need to know. However, achieving the optimum level of balance and stability is only possible if the dog's owner is working with their dog daily and in the correct manner that's most productive to their dog's individual personality.
These goals will never be successfully accomplished if the Master Trainer is not involved, because he fully understands the different personalities of the dogs in a litter and knows how to meet the individual needs of each dog so that they can reach full stability.
The end results: What you want is a well trained dog that is happy, stable and ultimately, a pleasure to be around. When the above six (6) courses are taught and blended with the right amount of socialization by a Master Trainer, you will end up with a dog that can be fully trusted in any situation and wants to please you.
Now you understand how important it will be to choose a Master Trainer to stabilize your dog and the courses that will be necessary to do so. In order to keep the dog stable, you will need to utilize his state of the art system. This is why you need certain qualifications to become a Student of The Ohio State K-9 College.