Online Preliminary Evaluation Test

Before you take this test, read our study guide. BE PREPARED to discuss the information listed below. After you've completed your test, I will then give a FREE phone consultation.

I'm always ready and willing to answer any questions you might have or set up an appointment for the hands-on evaluation testing needed.


(614) 337-0033

Online Test
1. Which method of training gives the best results?
2. Which method of training can cause permanent physical damage to your dog?
3. Which style of training achieves the best quality training with every lesson?
4. Which style of training equals complete pandemonium?
5. How much experience does it take to become a master trainer?
6. Which is the only dog training school in Columbus that has a master trainer with 47+ years of experience?
7. Which is the only dog training school that uses a state of the art system incorporating all 3: method, style and experience?
8. What does The Ohio State K-9 College require from each of their students?
9. Which dog training school gives their students all knowledge of the dog training industry unquestionably, undiluted and absolutely free?
10. Which dog training school in Columbus does a hands-on evaluation of your dog's disposition, temperament and personality?
11. Which dog training school has predetermined prices for their courses without a master trainer's evaluation of the dog and owner's needs?
12. Of the oldest dog training schools in the state of Ohio, which school gives their students the WHOLE TRUTH about the dog training industry?

If you want what is best for your dog then you will need to become an Ohio State K-9 College student. Please complete the form below, then call us. 614-337-0033

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